Tech Specs
General Information
- The Knitting Factory Concert House has a 1,500-person capacity depending on stage and seating.
- All video taping requests must be advanced with Knitting Factory at least 3 days in advance. A release or contract must be signed for any video taping.
- All photographers and members of the press must obtain clearance from our Publicity Department.
- All guest-lists are due by 4 pm the day of the show.
- The Knitting Factory Concert House requires that current Stage and Lighting Plots, Input Lists, Backline and Hospitality Riders be provided directly to the Production Manager.
- Closed Circuit video will be broadcast in-house only.
Production Specifications
Production Advance: Contact Production Manager for advance at (509) 868-9813. Load-in, Catering, etc. Must be advanced with the Production Manager, nothing is to be assumed from riders.
Load in & Parking
Load-in: Load in off of West Sprague Street. Load to street, through Load Door down ramp to stage level. This must be advanced 5 working days before show
Restrictions: Load-In is off of a busy downtown street, all load-ins must be advanced. Parking for busses and trucks is at bagged meters.
Guest Audio: 200amp 3 phase located USL
Guest Lighting: T off of cams/feeder from house lighting ,or up to triple 4 parallel.
House Audio: 200amp 3 phase Hardwire
House Lighting: 400amp 3 phase conventional Cam Lock, with tri-split at end
Please inform if you are carrying a power distro and require an electrician at least 1 week prior to show as an electrician is not always on site.
Located House Left on the Second Floor Mezzanine
Console: Yamaha M7 Digital Console
Mains: QSC Isis Wideline Line Array, 8 per side
The ISIS WideLine employs dual 380W (RMS), 16-ohm, 10-inch, long-throw LF speakers and a 1.4-inch exit, 16-ohm, 80-watt (RMS) neodymium compression driver, mounted on a proprietary multiple aperture diffraction-slot waveguide.
Subs: 6 QSC Isis 215PCM and 6 QSC Double 18 folded enclosures
System runs 5 way.
If you are traveling with Front of House Console, it must be located on the second level (Mezzanine), next to house console.
Console: Yamaha M7 Digital Console
Wedges: 9 Radian 15” x 2” Wedges
2 QSC ISIS 15” x 2” Speaker Cabinets for drum/sidefill Amps: 9 QSC PL 236 Amplifiers
Lighting details
(48) 2.4k ETC Sensor dimmer rack
(6) Open 2.4k dimmers
Upstage Truss: 30 Par 64,
Downstage Truss: 30 Par 64
Lighting Consoles: Jands Hog 500 (Intelligent Lighting) Leprecon 1600 – 2-scene preset.
Stage details
Case Storage: Backstage, On Truck.
Description: Stage is Staging Concepts, portable.
Trim Height – Deck to Grid: 20’
Height of stage – 4’8”
Dimensions:32’ X 20’, to be advanced with production manager.
Backline equipment
Backline availability per advance with Production Manager